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Welcome back to Nursery!


We are so glad to be welcoming all of the boys and girls back to Nursery! We have missed them all very much! Over these next couple of weeks, we will be helping the boys and girls to settle back in to Nursery; familiarising them with the Nursery routines and rules and enjoying lots of play both indoors and outdoors with their peers. 


Throughout the months of March and April, we will be exploring the following exciting topics: Spring, the farm and Easter! 


We are looking forward to exploring the new season of Spring; observing new flowers growing outdoors, reading and learning about new animals being born, as well as hopefully enjoy some warmer weather outdoors! In addition to all of this, we will be learning more about the farm through our play and community time learning; naming different farm animals and talking about their bodies/features, learning about the different products they give us, as well as learn more about tractors and other farm machinery.

We will also be taking part in various Easter activities!


For March and April, our focus shape is oval and our focus colours are green and purple! We will also be providing lots of opportunities to develop our fine and gross motor skills both indoors and outdoors, as well as become more familiar with numerals 0-5.

We are enjoying learning how to use maracas!

We enjoyed using the maracas this month in Nursery! We played the maracas along to some music, trying to keep a steady beat. We also had fun shaking the maracas to make loud and quiet sounds, we then shook them up high, down low, to the left and to the right!

We had a surprise visit from the Easter bunny who left us a special Easter treat!

We were so excited to hear that the Easter bunny had left us all a special Easter treat hidden in our Nursery playground! We enjoyed our Easter lolly as part of a special Easter break!

We are really enjoying our outdoor play and the milder weather! 

The boys and girls are continuing to develop many important gross motor skills through their outdoor play, including, the skills of pedalling, balance, throwing, catching, kicking, crawling, running and building small and large models. They are also developing their imaginations through the role play and small world play areas, their creativity through the use of musical instruments and chalk art, their language skills through browsing and talking about pictures in books and their sensory skills through playing with water and mark making using shaving foam. With regards to Early Mathematical Experiences and the World Around Us, the boys and girls are recognising and naming numerals through hopscotch, recognising shapes in the outdoor play area and developing the skills of observation as they observe and talk about the world around them. Additionally, they are developing their social skills through interacting and playing with their peers, as well as growing in confidence as they use new resources and develop new skills.

Lots of learning happening!

It is so lovely to see all of the boys and girls back to Nursery! We have missed them so much!