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Monday 23rd March



Spellings- A photo of your spelling list for this week will be sent through Class Dojo!


News- We are sure lots of you stayed at home this weekend and are really looking forward to hearing what new things you are getting up to at home. Could you be creative and try to make a little diary using some spare pages? If you have no paper then you could use the book your teacher gave you! Try to write a few sentences in your diary every day/night. You could include things like who looked after you, what games you played, what you had for tea and even how Home-Learning is going! Don't forget to include the date each day, capital letters, full stops and a little picture!



Maths- Balancing Sums


We haven't covered these yet in class so below is a link to a game of Balancing Sums... Go and have a little play. You could try addition bonds and subtraction bonds within 10 and 20.


Your worksheet today will be sent through class Dojo for you to complete in your workbook.


Remember both sides of the balance need to be equal!


