This week you will have one Sports Day homework, one online homework and one written homework activity that you will be given in school. Spellings and Number Facts booklets will be sent home in Homework Folders. Please also complete your Reading.
Homework for the Week Beginning Monday 7th June 2021
This week, our homework topics are 'Sports Day' and 'Data Handling'
Monday 7th June- Sports Day Homework
Have a look at the Dojo Class Story. 6 exercise pictures will be posted for you to practise at home to get you ready for Sports Day on Tuesday! Have fun!!
Tuesday 8th June- No written Homework
*Sports Day-no written homework- have a rest!!*
Wednesday 9th June- Data Handling
Have a go at the Data Handling game above. Can you complete the questions that go along with the bar chart?
Thursday 10th June- Data Handling
A written homework will be sent home in your Maths Homework books. Please complete and return to school tomorrow.