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Covid-19 Information

24th January 2022 Guidance update for Parents from Miss Brown

Public Health Agency - Additional PCR testing as part of Covid-19 cluster within a P5 Miss Spiers (October 2021)

Public Health Agency - Warn and Inform Alert Letter for parents/carers - 10th September 2021

Parental Flowchart Close Contacts in school settings 3.9.21

Letter to parents re Close Contact guidance in a school setting and Flowchart

School Re-start - September 2021

Length of school day/opening and closing times/School Day Timetable

Covid-19 Update


I would like to begin by thanking parents/carers for practicing social distancing and wearing face masks whilst in and around the school grounds.


It has been decided that from Monday 9th November children may now bring into school small school bags, rather than plastic bags with their school work.



Mr T Shields


15th October - Half Term Holiday - Important information

7 October 2020


Dear Parent/Carer,




If you or anyone in your household develops covid symptoms the WHOLE HOUSEHOLD should ISOLATE until test results are received.  


Children should NOT come to school if they or someone in their household has covid symptoms or is awaiting test results.  



Children who receive a negative test may return to school providing they are well.   



If the result is positive they and the WHOLE HOUSEHOLD must isolate for the number of days advised.  The school should then be contacted immediately during school hours on 3832 2450 and out of hours on 07783 300575



All of the household must STAY AT HOME and await the result.  If the result is negative the children may return to school.  If it is a positive result the whole household must isolate for the number of days advised and the school should be informed during school hours.  

For further guidance call the covid helpline on 111 or speak with your GP.


Thank you for your co operation.

T Shields




When in school if your child displays a high temperature/fever, loss of taste or smell or a new continuous cough, THEY AND ANY OTHER SIBLINGS IN SCHOOL WILL BE SENT HOME.  This is in accordance with the updated guidance for schools. 


The guidance states that a covid test should then be arranged for the child displaying the symptoms and the rest of the household must isolate at home and await the test results. 

The school should be informed as soon as the test results are received.


Once again we would request that pupils are NOT SENT TO SCHOOL IF THEY ARE UNWELL IN ANY WAY. 


Thank you for your co-operation.

Letter to Parents and Revised School Timetable 18.09.2020

Food provision for pupils entitled to Free School Meals who are unable to attend school due to Covid-19.


The Education Authority school meals catering service is currently making preparations for food provision to Free School Meal pupils who fall into the following categories:


Children who:


* are clinically vulnerable and have been provided with a letter from their consultant preventing them from attending school


* have tested positive for Covid-19 and are self-isolating or


* a member of their household has tested positive for Covid-19 and the child is self-isolating.



Please contact the school should any of the above categories apply to your child/children.
