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School Uniform


September  2022


School Uniform 


Dear Parent/Carer,


Full school uniform to be worn by all pupils.  Tracksuits should be worn on PE Days only.

Thank you
Miss H Brown




















All children will be encouraged to wear the full school uniform.


Boys - Grey trousers, white or grey shirt, grey V neck pullover with coloured inset, school tie and badge.


Girls - Black pinafore/skirt/trousers, white blouse, Black cardigan/V neck pullover, school tie and badge.  During the third term a yellow gingham dress may be worn.


Gold t-shirts to be worn during PE lessons.


Badges can be purchased from the secretary in the school.  All other items are available at local stores.


All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the owner's name.  This applies also to sports equipment, lunch-boxes and flasks.


Jewellery -       no pierced jewellery of any kind should be worn in school.

Hair -               natural hair colouring only, coloured highlights in pupil’s hair is not permitted.



Your child must have a note to be excused from PE or swimming.


In order to promote good practice in health and safety and develop both personal and social skills in physical education, children are encouraged to change into PE kit (PE shoes and preferably gold t-shirt and black shorts/skirt).  Proper footwear must be used at all times on the MUGA.


P1                    Term 1 & 2 - remove sweatshirt/jumper put on PE shoes.

                        Term 3 - as above and change into shorts/skirt.

P2/3                 Remove sweatshirt/jumper, put on PE shoes and change into shorts/skirt.

P4-7                 Change into t-shirt, shorts/skirt and PE shoes.


No jewellery of any kind may be worn during PE classes and all equipment should be labelled with your child’s name.

The school uniform is as follows:


Boys – Grey trousers, white or grey shirt, grey pullover with coloured inset, school tie and badge.

Girls – Black pinafore or skirt, white blouse, black cardigan/V neck pullover, school tie and badge.

Summer clothing

Boys - may wear gold school polo shirt and single coloured shorts, preferably black

Girls - may also wear gold school polo shirt and single coloured shorts, preferably black or a yellow gingham dress.

Badges can be purchased from the secretary in the school

P.E. Uniform

Boys & Girls – Black school tracksuit, gold school polo shirt

Boys & Girls – Gold school polo shirt, black shorts, black slip-on canvas shoes
