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Wellingtonbee Wellbeing Programme

Throughout this school year, we will have a wellbeing focus each month; and each class from P1-P7 will be exploring the theme through stories, discussions and creative activities. We will be introducing our own set of wellbeing characters, which will be used to help the children to explore these important topics. The characters are all animals that live in a fictional village called ‘Wellingtonbee’ – this will be the setting for each month’s story. We would encourage families to discuss these important themes each month.


February - Gerry the Grateful Giraffe


January - Cha-cha the chatty chimpanzee


December - Clive the calm chameleon


November - Frills the Friendly Flamingo

Artwork by P2C

P2 Mrs McBride. Frills.

P2 W


October - Lala the Learning Lemur

Lala the learning Lemur by P2 Mrs McBride.


September: Yoyo the Unique Yak

We created some amazing artwork to celebrate how we are all unique!

Mrs Ward O2 - Yo-yo the a unique Yak

P2 Mrs MCBride. Yoyo the Unique Yak.

Mrs Stafford P2 - Yoyo the Unique Yak

Mrs Cowan P2

Primary One
