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Special Educational Needs



SENCO’s – Mrs Matchett (Nursery and Foundation Stage) and

Mrs Woods (Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2)


The term “special needs” is defined in the relevant legislation as “ a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made.”


“Learning difficulty” means that a child has significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of comparable age, or has a disability which hinders his or her use of the kind of facilities generally provided in ordinary schools.


“Special educational provision” means educational provision that is different from or additional to provision made generally for children of comparable age.


We recognise that the definition of SEN embraces a breadth of learning difficulties varying in type, duration and severity.  We recognise that special educational needs can arise as a result of:

            a) Intellectual/cognitive difficulties

            b) Speech/language/communication difficulties

            c) Social/Emotional/Behavioural difficulties (SEBD)

            d) Physical and Sensory difficulties

            e) Medical Conditions

            f) Gifted and Talented Children


Pupils with special educational needs will be provided for following the principles of The Code of Practice.  At Stages 1-3 of this Code, Special Education provision will be made using resources available and as a result of consultation with external specialists and the implementation of their recommendations, in so far as possible.



A Special Educational Needs Team is in place to maintain a Register and profiles of pupils with special educational needs.  The team includes:


  1. Part time administrative staff.

  2. Three support teachers are employed to assist class teachers inproviding appropriate support for pupils with Literacy and Maths difficulties.

  3. SENCO –Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator whose responsibility it is to liaise with class teachers, support teachers and external specialists and co-ordinate all information so that the best possible provision can be made to address the needs of our pupils with Special Educational Needs.

    We have two SENCO’s – Mrs Matchett (Nursery and Foundation Stage) and

    Mrs Woods (Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2)



The co-ordinator will work in conjunction with the SENCOs and the English co-ordinator in addressing the special needs of these children.The school will endeavour to employ a support person for EAL in as far as the school budget is able to meet such costs.
