30th August 2022
Dear Parent, Carer,
We have now reached the start of another school year and I trust you have been able to enjoy some quality time during the holidays with your family.
I hope your child is looking forward to getting back to school again and seeing his/her friends and getting to know their new teacher/s. I am looking forward to seeing the children back at school on 31st August. This will be a Transition Day for the pupils. P2 children will finish at 12.10pm, P3 and P4 will finish at 12.15pm and P5, P6, and P7 will finish at 12.20pm. There will be NO school meals served on this day.
Please note* For our new pupils in Nursery and Primary 1 they will start back on the date given to them by their teacher. Their end of day times will also have been given to you for the first few weeks.
The following are important points for you to read and be familiar with, before your child/ren return to school. As always if you have any questions or would like further information please contact me through the office on 38322450 or by email-
SCHOOL UNIFORMS- All pupils from Primary 1 to Primary 7 are expected to wear full school uniform every day except for PE days (class teachers will inform you of the PE Days when tracksuits may be worn)
STAFFING – We are pleased to welcome Mrs Laura McIvor to the staff. She will be teaching in Primary 7 and in Primary 4 each week.
SCHOOL MEALS – These MUST be paid for in advance ( see also the letter sent on 26/8/22)
PARKING – Parents are NOT permitted to drive into or park in the school grounds. Exceptions will be made for those with disabled blue badges only. I ask that all parents follow this to protect all of the children in the school.
DOJO – Your child’s class teacher will communicate with you via dojo on a regular basis. For new parents, the teacher will send you a link to this app. The teachers are happy to answer any important questions you may have via the dojo app before 4.00pm each day if possible. Please note: They may not be able to respond during the school day when they are teaching.
COVID -19- If your child tests positive for Covid 19, the latest guidance is that they should stay at home for 3 days following a positive test or from start of symptoms.
MORNING ENTRANCE DOORS – Pupils from P6S, P6F, P6M, P5W and P5G should enter the school by the outside door nearest Mrs Grey’s class.
Pupils from P4O’H, P7M, P7M/B, P7R, P7K/McI, P4F/McI should enter the school by the door nearest Mrs’O Hara’s class (this is close to the Reception area)
Pupils from P2McB, P2C, P3D, P3M, P3CH and P4T should enter the school by the door down the steps at the 2 story building.
Pupils from P2W and P2S should enter by the outside area in the hard play area near the MUGA.
All other pupils in P1 and outside mobiles should enter by their classroom door with the exception of Miss Porter’s class who should enter by the door nearest Mrs Grey’s class and wait in the ICT Room for a few minutes. Miss Porter will bring them over to her class.
There will be staff on duty at the doors each morning to assist you if needed.
Pupils must enter the school by the appropriate door indicated above. There will be a rota of staff on duty from 8.30am-8.45am each morning to supervise pupils. All teachers will be in their class from 8.45am.
HOLIDAYS - A list of the school holidays will be included within the Information Bulletin to be sent home in this week.
Further information will be sent home in the next day or so and I would ask that you keep this safe so that you may refer to it as the school year progresses.
I would like to wish you and your child/ren an enjoyable and rewarding school year and a healthy one for you and your family.
H Brown