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12th October

Each week you will have two homework activities that you will access online and two written homework activities that you will be given in school. You already have your spellings and number facts at home.


Homework for the Week Beginning Monday 12th October 2020


This week, our homework topics are 'Adjectives' and 'Days of the Week'.



Monday 12th October- Adjectives.


  • Online homework- Watch the Adjectives video and then have a go at the two games. Remember- an Adjective is a describing word!  
  • Spellings and Number Facts.
  • Reading- see diary.

Tuesday 13th October


  • A written activity will be sent home in your Literacy Homework books tonight. Please complete and return to school tomorrow.
  • Spellings and Number Facts.
  • Reading- see diary.




Wednesday 14th October- Days of the Week.


  • Click on the link below to watch the 'Days of the Week' video and then play the games. Ask an adult to quiz you on what day comes before and after certain days. 
  • Spellings and Number Facts.
  • Reading- see diary.



Thursday 15th October


  • A written activity will be sent home in your Maths Homework books tonight. Please complete and return to school tomorrow.
  • Spellings and Number Facts - revision for Friday test tomorrow.
  • Reading- see diary.