N11 Ordering Decimals
Place Value was looked at in N1. N11 builds on this to explain why, for instance, 5.12 is bigger than 5.103
Rounding to the Nearest Whole Number with Decimals
Welcome to Rounding to the Nearest Whole Number with Decimals with Mr. J! Need help with how to round decimals to the nearest whole number? You're in the rig...
Rounding Decimals | Round to the Nearest Tenth
Welcome to Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Tenth with Mr. J! Need help with how to round to the nearest tenth? You're in the right place!Whether you're just...
Rounding Decimals | Round to the Nearest Hundredth
Welcome to Rounding Decimals to the Nearest Hundredth with Mr. J! Need help with how to round to the nearest hundredth? You're in the right place!Whether you...