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Easter competition

Primary Three children took part in the speech festival in Portadown Town Hall. The children performed extremely well and were awarded first place! Well done boys and girls! #champions!

Recently, visitors from Oxford Island helped the children in Primary Three create a butterfly garden. Look at our beautiful pots and plants!

Christmas has arrived!

P3K posting their letters to Santa!

Our Christmas play this year was called Baubles!


The story was about a school, somewhere not so far from you, where excitement levels were reaching an all time high with thoughts of the plentiful presents and parties that the Christmas season brings. It’s clear to Mr Potts, the caretaker, that something may have been overlooked. With the assistance of some helpful mice, he set to work to create some beautiful baubles for the bare, forgotten Christmas tree and helped the children to rediscover the true meaning of Christmas. With quirky characters such as kings, a donkey and a sleepy sheep, Primary 3 managed to perform a tinsel-tastic nativity like never before.
