Dear Parents,
We trust that you have had a good summer and that your children are ready to come back to King’s Park, we are really looking forward to meeting the children and helping them to settle in. This letter will outline the procedures for settling in and restarting school.
Class ‘Bubble’
For health and safety reasons, your child’s class will be their ‘Bubble’. Children should not mix with children from other class bubbles.
Week Commencing 24th August:
This week will be a settling in week, in which children will be coming to school in small groups to meet their teacher and learn about the new routines.
Children should arrive in school at 9am each day this week. There will be no supervision before 9am, and parents are requested not to enter school. There will be an adult at the door to welcome and direct your child.
Your child should come into school on the dates which you have been emailed They will return full time on Tuesday 1st September. This is to give your child a chance to settle in and spend time in a small group with their new teacher.
Home time on Monday to Wednesday will be 2.30pm.
On Thursday and Friday, home time will be 2pm.
Please wear whatever school uniform your child is most comfortable in, wearing a school tracksuit every day is acceptable.
Drop off and Pick Up:
P6 Mr Magowan should enter and leave via the P5 door, at the end of the nursery path, opposite Miss Porter’s mobile.
P6 Miss Porter should enter and leave from their mobile classroom.
P6 Mr Shields and P6 Mr Forbes should enter and leave via the door opposite the Nursery entrance (beside ICT room).
Adults are asked not to come into the school building. If your child needs accompanied to school only one parent should attend. Children will go directly to their own classroom and must not go to the cloakroom.
Break and Lunch:
Break for P6 will be at 10:15am. The will go out to the MUGA pitch which will be divided into 4 areas. They will be required to stay in their class bubble.
Lunch will be at 12:30. Arrangements are currently being made but please note that a packed lunch will be required for the first week. Children should bring a packed lunch/ drink in plastic containers that can be easily wiped.
Equipment and Belongings:
No school bags should be brought into school. Children will use a plastic zip wallet in which they will bring home any homework to be completed.
Coats may be worn and will be kept on the back of the children’s chairs. Any coat or belongings should also be brought straight to the classroom.
Parents are required to provide a plastic box which will be kept in school and act as their personal box. In it, they should have their stationery which must be labelled and will not be shared. They do not require a fabric pencil case. They should also have their own personal hand sanitizer and packet of tissues in the box. Please refer to our Primary 6 class page on our school website for updated information regarding what your child should bring to class.
Hygiene and Masks:
Please note that current advice suggests that children do not need to wear masks and that frequent handwashing is essential. Children will be asked to wash their hands on entry to the classroom and at intervals during the day. Should a parent wish their child to wear a mask, then that is acceptable.
Yours sincerely,
Primary 6 Teachers
S Magowan
A Shields
S Forbes
J Porter