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We have been learning all about birds this week. We enjoyed making birds in pairs using junk. Can you tell what birds we made? Then one of our parents sent in some birds for us to look at. We discussed all about how they look and the different features different birds have.

We are learning all about birds this half term. Today we painted lots of different types of birds and then took our binoculars that we had made yesterday to do a spot of bird watching. We seen lots of different types of birds and they enjoyed eating the seed we gave them.

Today we wore red for Action Cancer today. We also made pancakes for Pancake Tuesday. We had lots of ingredients to measure out and lots of mixing was done. The best part was getting to eat our yummy pancakes when they were ready for our snack.

We have been preparing for Valentine's Day today.

We are preparing for Ben's birthday tomorrow. Today we decorated some biscuits for the party and went on a treasure hunt.

We loved having the gymnastics equipment out during PE today.

This week was the perfect week to be learning about Winter with the weather we have had! We have been learning about freezing and melting. We enjoyed seeing what happen when we put some ice-pops into the freezer for a day! We really enjoyed allowing them to melt in our mouths while we watched a Winter programme!! We also painted some ice-cubes and had great fun mixing and making new colours as the ice melted.

We have been thinking about Winter. Have a look at our snowdrops we made using chalk.
