Living things - An introduction
Remember: Living Things will be able to:
Watch the video above! Look at the Posters below and try to remember the information:
Activity two: Complete the sorting task between living and non-living. Cut out the images and stick them under the correct heading. A second sheet (living and non-living things) should then be used to practise further (this could be colour coded if preferred or simply labelled yes/no i.e. living/non-living).
Activity three: Complete sheet – Life Processes and Living Things Test 1 – Living and non-living things.
Activity four: Have a look out of any or all of the windows in your home. List up to ten living and non-living things you see. Alternately you could do this by standing in your garden. Write the names from your list unto the border of the page you used in Activity two
Week Three
Before completing the activity sheets - watch the videos below to learn about the classification of animals!
Week Four
Activity One: What is a food Chain?
Click on the link below to learn about what a food chain is, and take part in a fun quiz and games!
Activity Two: Food Chain Challenge
Food chain challenge - Woodland -Put your knowledge of food chains to the test - explore the interactive scene, build your own food chain and watch films about all the animals and plants from the BBC archive. Try different habitats too!
Activity Three:
Exploring and getting to know some examples of food chains and animal habitats.
Week Five
Although pollination can take place by wind, water, birds and other insects we are focusing on bees which are really important to our eco-system. One third of our global food supply is pollinated by bees!!
Activity Five - Observation
Take a look at a flower in the garden or park and see if you can notice any of the parts. Are there any bees buzzing around the petals? Don’t touch them and stand back!! If possible, take a photo or record a short video clip.
Living Things Fact File
Please note that this task is set over a couple of weeks and your Fact File should be submitted on Wednesday 24th February as school is closed for half term week beginning 15th Feb.
A portfolio will be made available in Class Dojo for that time.
Give it your best effort!