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P5 Capacity Topic





Mental Maths: Select the Monday Speed Test for your maths group


Finish your 3D shape poster from Friday’s lesson. Make sure that your drawings of the shapes are carefully labelled and that you have listed the properties of each shape carefully. Then you can add some colour! Your teacher would love to see a photo of your poster on ClassDojo!



Mental Maths: Select the Tuesday Speed Test for your maths group


Watch Capacity Video One: Capacity Video 1 - YouTube

Find a selection of items in your home with capacity labels on (e.g. shampoo bottles etc). Can you find all the items listed in ‘Capacity Bingo’?


Watch Capacity Video Two:

Capacity Video 2 - YouTube


Have a listen to this song. It mentions lots of different measurements including litres and millilitres.




Mental Maths: Select the Wednesday Speed Test for your maths group


Watch Capacity Video 3: Capacity Video 3 - YouTube


Capacity game:

Can you fill the containers in the smallest number of pours possible?


Team Awesome, Brilliant, Hexagons and Pentagons and Squares: Worksheet 1

Team Fantastic, Incredible and Rectangles: Worksheet 2


Mental Maths: Select the Thursday Speed Test for your maths group


Watch this fun video and then have a go at the challenge below:


Can you find two ways that Buttons could fill the 7.5l bucket using the three containers?

Remember that 7.5l means 7 and a half litres or 7litres and 500ml.


Team Awesome and Brilliant, Pentagons, Hexagons and Squares: Capacity Problem Solving 1


Team Fantastic, Incredible and Rectangles: Capacity Problem Solving 2



Mental Maths: Select the Friday Speed Test for your maths group


Watch Capacity Video 4: Measuring in Litres and Millilitres - YouTube


Can you read the scale and type in how much liquid is in the container?


Team Awesome, Brilliant, Hexagons, Pentagons and Squares: Capacity Sheet B


Team Fantastic, Incredible and Rectangles: Worksheets 7 and 8

