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This month will be another busy month as we explore two very exciting topics; Minibeasts and Teddy Bears!

We will learn to name and identify common minibeasts that we find in our gardens, discussing their bodies; colours, wings, number of legs, as well as finding out about their habitats and diet! We hope to visit W5 in Belfast and take part in their ‘Build a Bug’ workshop to help us learn even more about minibeasts.

We will also have the opportunity to bring our teddy bears in to school as part of our teddy bear week and take part in different activities with them. We hope to enjoy a teddy bears picnic with them, play with them and even have a teddy bear sleepover (teddy bears only of course)! 

As well as all of this, we will be continuing to take part in activities to help develop our pencil and scissor skills, as well as recognise and name numerals 0-10, and copy, continue and create 2 colour patterns. We will also be preparing for Sports Day!
