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Celebrating ourselves and each other for having a FANTASTIC day!!

Celebrating with an ice cream!! We had SO much fun!


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Sports Day!

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Sports Day Warm Up! We had lots of fun doing our warming up exercises in the sunshine today! We listened to music while jogging on the spot, lunging, stretching, marching and having a good dance! We had lots of fun to prepare us for our races!

Drawing sunflowers! We looked at and talked about how our sunflowers had grown. Once we looked at them, we used oil pastels to draw them! We loved being creative with the oil pastels and all the children tried their best. Their work was beautiful!

Sunflowers! P1 planted a sunflower outside using seeds, soil and water! We hope they are all going to grow nice and tall!

We had a special visit from a local shop, Moutrays! They kindly brought their shop to our school and we were able to use our money to buy our Friday treat! It was so exciting!
