Homework for week beginning 10th January 2022.
Monday 10th January
- A written homework will be sent home in your child's Literacy book.
- Spelling and Number Facts
- Spellings word sort - you will notice a word sort inside your child's spelling book. We are learning how sounds can be made in more than one way using different letters e.g. tooth and glue both have the long 'o' sound but are spelt differently. Each night sort your spellings into the box provided.
- Reading
Tuesday 11th January
- Spelling and Number Facts (Remember your word sort!)
- Reading
- Online Homework- Follow the link below to listen to the story and answer the question. Click on the speaker if your child needs the story read to them.
Literacy Activity
Wednesday 12th January
- Spelling and Number Facts (Remember your word sort!)
- Reading
- A written homework will be sent home in your child's Numeracy book.
Thursday 13th January
- Spelling and Number Facts- revise for Friday Test
- Reading
- Online Place Value activity. Follow the link below to play the Shark Numbers game. Use your tens and units knowledge to help you answer the questions.
Place Value Game