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Monday 15th January

Homework for the week beginning 15th January 2024.


This week our homework topics are 'tens and units' and 'adjectives'. 


Monday 15th January

Spellings and Numberfacts


Literacy Written Homework



Tuesday 16th January

Spellings and Numberfacts


Online Homework- Nouns and Adjectives game Follow the link to play the game. Can you select the 'noun' level and find all the nouns and then try the 'adjective' level. 



Wednesday 17th January

Spellings and Numberfacts


Maths Written Homework



Thursday 18th January

Spellings and Numberfacts- revise for Friday Test.


Online Homework- Tens and Units follow the link and select the FIRST option. 

Can you show your adult how to make all of the numbers from 0 to 20 using the tens and units.

Tip: There is a 'Show the Number' button to help you!


