Homework for the week beginning 16th October 2023.
This week our homework topics are Nouns and Money.
Monday 16th October
Spellings and Numberfacts
Reading- see homework diary
Literacy Written Homework- complete the activity in your homework book and return to your teacher tomorrow.
Tuesday 17th October
Spellings and Numberfacts
Reading- see homework diary
Literacy Online Homework- Noun Game
Follow the link to play the 'Whack-a-mole' game. Can you find all of the nouns?
Wednesday 18th October
Spellings and Numberfacts
Reading- see homework diary
Maths Written Homework- complete the activity in your homework book and return to your teacher tomorrow.
Thursday 19th October
Spellings and Numberfacts- revise for Friday Test.
Reading- see homework diary
Online Maths Homework- Toy Shop Money Game
Follow the link to play the Toy Shop Money Game. Select Mixed Coins - Exact Money - Up to 20p. Try your best to use 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p.