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Monday 23rd May

Homework for Week Beginning 23rd May

This week our homework topics are 'verbs' and 'vertical adding and subtracting'  


Monday 23rd May

Spellings and Numberfacts 

Reading- see diary

Literacy written homework- please complete the activity in your Literacy Homework book and return to school tomorrow. 



Tuesday 24th May

Spellings and Numberfacts

Reading- see diary

Online Homework- Follow the link to play the verb game.

Verb Game



Wednesday 25th May

Spellings and Numberfacts 

Reading- see diary

Maths written homework- please complete the activity in your Maths Homework book and return to school tomorrow. 



Thursday 26th May

Spellings and Numberfacts

Reading- see diary

Online Homework- Follow the link to play 'Hit the Button'. Select Number Bonds and Make 10.

Hit the Button game

