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Monday 23rd September

Homework for the week beginning 23rd September.


This week our homework topics are 'Adding' and 'Grammar'.


Monday 23rd September




-Literacy Written Homework- see Literacy Homework book. Please complete the homework and return to school tomorrow. 



Tuesday 24th September




-Literacy Online Homework- watch the video and then play the games to practise using your capital letters and full stops. 

Capital Letters and Full Stops Video

Capital Letter Game

Full Stops Game



Wednesday 25th September




-Maths Written Homework- see Maths Homework book. Please complete the homework and return to school tomorrow. 



Thursday 26th September

-Revise Spellings and Numberfacts for Friday Test tomorrow. 


-Maths Online Homework- follow the link to play the 'Funky Mummy' adding game.  Select '+ to 20'. Why don't you challenge yourself to a harder level?!

Adding Game





