Homework for week beginning 8th May.
This week our homework topics are Toys and Mental Maths.
Monday 8th May
Off School
Tuesday 9th May
Spellings and Numberfacts
Reading- see Homework Diary
Literacy Written Homework. Please complete the written activity in your homework book and return to your teacher tomorrow.
Wednesday 10th May
Spellings and Numberfacts
Reading- see Homework Diary
Maths Written Homework. Please complete the written activity in your homework book and return to your teacher tomorrow.
Thursday 11th May
Spellings and Numberfacts- revise for Friday Test.
Reading- see Homework Diary
Maths Online Homework- Follow the link to play Hit the Button.
Select 'Number Bonds' and have a go at 'Up to 10' then try the harder levels.