Homework for the week beginning 9th October 2023.
This week our homework topics are Nouns and Number.
Monday 9th October
Spellings and Numberfacts
Reading- see homework diary
Literacy Written Homework- complete the activity in your homework book and return to your teacher tomorrow.
Tuesday 10th October
Spellings and Numberfacts
Reading- see homework diary
Literacy Online Homework- Follow the link to play the game.
Wednesday 11th October
Spellings and Numberfacts
Reading- see homework diary
Maths Written Homework- complete the activity in your homework book and return to your teacher tomorrow.
Thursday 12th October
Spellings and Numberfacts- revise for Friday Test.
Reading- see homework diary
Online Maths Homework- Ordering Numbers
Follow the link to order the numbers- select 'ordering'- 1-20. Then try 20-1 or 1-100.