Movement breaks. On some of the wet and frosty days we have been trying out the Core Kidz movement breaks. We have a great laugh doing the school bag workout. It only takes a few minutes but it is great fun and we are ready to learn again afterwards. We are looking forward to trying out the other ones too.
Our Primary 7 class has been learning about business through the 'Young Enterprise' business beginnings programme. Paula from Moy Park has been working with us to learn all about how businesses work, how they are made up, roles within business and getting us to think about starting our own businesses.
Within our P.E. we have been doing gymnastics. We have been doing some core strength work through floor gymnastics and following our new 'Core Kidz' programme to do some follow along lessons where we have been developing our jumping skills and doing some 'chair' gymnastics. We are looking forward to the high bars after half term.
Mr Sloan took us for a session to work on further developing our programming skills through 'Scratch'.
We learned how to make the snowflakes fall in a certain direction, start in different places, time the length of the fall and also make it look 3D by making different layers. There was some maths work involved too as we had to keep thinking about halving and doubling the pixels for these special effects, so it was very cross curricular.
We have also been completing a data base using 2Simple2Investigate to upload lots of information and we will be interrogating this data after half term in order to answer questions about it.