25 June 2021
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I would firstly like to thank all of our parents/carers for your understanding and support throughout this past school year which is now drawing to a close.
The 2020/21 school year will be forever remembered by us all.
Looking forward it is our intention to re-open in September with a return to as near a normal timetable as possible, while following the guidance to schools from the Department of Education and the Public Health Agency.
We have recently received the following correspondence from the Education Authority dated 15 June 2021:
Managing Covid19 response in Schools from September 2021
At this point in time there are a number of possible models for virus impact over the coming months. This makes the process of providing specific detailed guidance for September 2021 extremely challenging at this time. However, we would ask that you plan for the new term using the following assumptions:
· The Covid19 Virus will still be present and circulating in Northern Ireland and we will continue to implement current mitigations to reduce its transmission.
· We need to plan to be ready to implement all restrictions again if required, but it is hoped that the number and level of restrictions can be reduced.
· Rapid testing should be offered to all staff in primary and post-primary schools and to post-primary pupils in Years 8-14. (LAMP testing should continue in Special Schools)
· We need to plan to be able to transition to remote learning for some or all classes if pupils/staff are identified as a close contact(s).
· Support and advice will continue to be available from EA and the PHA, but this may be reconfigured based on feedback and learning throughout 2020-2021.
Moving Forward
The process of adjusting and adapting to Covid19 in our society is well underway, and your school is providing a leading role in supporting your staff, children and young people to overcome many of the challenges and barriers created by the pandemic. It is clear that Covid19 will continue to create disruption for some months to come, but we are hopeful that the disruption will dissipate and become less frequent as we move forward. There is a need to plan to be ready when needed balanced against the hope that our plans will not be required.
EA plan to issue further guidance in mid-August, ahead of the new school term, which will provide a more detailed picture of the mitigations you will need to implement and the currently imposed restrictions that you can relax. This will be based on the most up to date medical information and advice available at that time.
We, in King’s Park, will be emailing all of our parents/carers immediately once we receive the re-start guidance referred to above from the Education Authority.
Uniform Update
From September we are planning to return to full school uniform for pupils, with the tracksuit worn on PE days only. Our uniform can be purchased from the following: Victor Stewarts, SD Kells and Maxwells.
Finally, we wish all of our children and families a safe and enjoyable summer holiday and trust we will all return safely on the 1st September.
Yours sincerely
T Shields
DTO Shields