Dear Parent/Guardian,
We trust your child is settling back into the school routine and is enjoying being in class again. Your continued support and patience regarding the new ‘restart timetable’ is greatly appreciated. School start and finish times will remain the same until the end of this month when they will be reviewed. All current systems are kept under constant review and will be changed/updated as necessary and parents/guardians informed.
Over the past number of months, everyone has worked together to prevent the spread of Covid-19. To allow this to continue, we request that, should your child test positive for Covid-19, you inform school immediately so that we can take the necessary steps as set out by the Public Health Agency.
How to contact the school: Monday to Friday 8.30am – 3.30pm telephone 028 3832 2450
Outside school hours – Text or phone: 07783 300575
The child’s name, class and a contact telephone number needs to be supplied. We will then call you back to confirm details.
The teachers are working hard within their bubbles to provide the best possible experience for your children. Whilst the teacher is in school with a full class, it is not possible to provide home learning for individual children who are off sick, or awaiting test results. However home learning will be provided for pupils who are self-isolating due to positive covid tests within their class bubble or for someone in their household. Please be assured that every effort will be made to help your child catch up on their return. Children will still have access to any home learning provided to the rest of the class via the dojo.
If you need to contact the class teacher via dojo please be aware that your messages will be responded to within school hours only.
We would like to remind you that in order to ensure staff, pupils and their families remain as safe as possible the following guidelines should be followed.
A more detailed guide to coronavirus related absences can be found on the school website under: Home page; Key Information; Covid-19 Information
Your sincerely
T Shields