19 June 2020
Dear parent/guardian,
I write to update everyone regarding how things are progressing with schooling and the changes Covid-19 is having and will have over the coming months.
Firstly, it is important to report that we still await clear instructions from the Minister of Education and the Department of Education regarding when and how schools are to re-open after the summer holidays.
Whenever that date arrives it seems fairly certain schools are going to be very different places to what they have been in the past.
What we can assure you at this time, is that everyone in King’s Park will make every effort to ensure the return to schooling is as safe and child friendly as is possible at these uncertain times.
Please note the following points:
Annual Reports will be sent out to parents on 29 June in most cases by email. The report will also inform your child of his/her teacher next year. The report will be reduced in content this year as advised by the Department of Education.
Uniform – children may wear full school uniform in the next school year however parents may send children in polo shirts and tracksuits each day should you find that helpful in light of advice on washing clothes due to Covid-19.
Money – at this time we are setting up a cashless money system which will mean that money will no longer be collected for school meals, trips etc. More detail on this will follow.
Children’s personal items – we will be asking families to supply each of their children with a shoe box size container to hold such things as pencils, rubber, tissues, ruler etc. which will be brought into school on day one and remain in school. Your child’s name should be clearly marked.
Key worker’s cover – Despite the lockdown King’s Park School has been open every weekday since 23 March for key worker and vulnerable childcare. I would like to thank the staff both teaching and non-teaching who volunteered to support these families. As a school community we would also wish to thank all of our key worker families for their dedication in the face of an unseen enemy in the war against Covid-19.
Home Learning – Home learning has been a challenge for everyone, families and schools alike. I would wish to record my thanks and the thanks of our Board of Governors for the tremendous efforts by everyone since March 23rd. So to staff and families a BIG THANK YOU! and we hope you will enjoy the summer holidays.
We will endeavour to keep everyone informed with as much detail as possible over the coming weeks and throughout the summer. To this end we would ask everyone to view our school website regularly.
Yours sincerely
T Shields
DTO Shields