Return to School Nursery – P3 children only
The NI Executive has announced that all children from Nursery to Primary 3 will return to school from Monday 8th March until Friday 19th March. From Monday 22nd to Friday 26th March these year groups will return to remote learning with supervised learning in school for Key Workers’ children and vulnerable pupils. It is planned that Nursery to Primary 3 children will then return again to full time face-to-face teaching after Easter although that is to be confirmed.
Arrival Times: 8.45 am to 9.00 am
Departure Times: weeks beginning 8th & 15th March only:
Nursery - 12.55 to 1.10 pm
P1 & P2 - 1.45 pm
P3 - 1.55 pm
P4 to P7 Key Worker children will leave at 2.00pm each day.
Please note: Change of times for P1-P3 are to facilitate a staggered exit across all classes.
School meals will be available both paid and free for Nursery to Primary 3 pupils only. Meals should be ordered in the normal way through ParentPay. Primary 4 to Primary 7 children should continue to bring a packed lunch each day.
T Shields