This year has seen very little sporting activity within school and no inter school team competitions. However there are several children who have over recent years shown a commitment to sport at King’s Park Primary School. They have represented the school in competitions or league fixtures and have shown a commitment to training in all weathers. Several of these children will leave us at the end of this year to begin the next chapter of their school career and will no doubt show the same level of commitment and enjoyment in their chosen sports. This year the following children have been awarded a captain or vice captain badge. Well done!
Football( boys)
Captain Austin Gault
V Captain Hayden Calvert
Football (girls)
Captain Eve Adair
V Captain Lydia Devlin
Hockey ( girls)
Captain Casey Cousins
V Captains joint Abbey Cherry, Millie Dowds
Hockey (boys)
Captains joint Daniel McClughan, Jack Cowan
Captain Jack Robinson
X Country ( girls)
Captain Casey Cousins
Captain Casey Cousins