1st February 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
We have just completed 4 weeks of lockdown and remote teaching/key worker cover. Our pupils and parents have worked extremely hard over these weeks and I would like to commend you all for your efforts.
I would once again emphasise to all our parents not to put too much pressure on yourselves to complete all of the work set each day with your child/ren, but to do what you can, particularly if you are a key worker. Please do not feel you have to complete and post all of the work set each day on the dojo if you are unable to manage it on a particular day/s. You are doing very well in what are difficult circumstances at present and we want to say a BIG THANK YOU!
The children have been working extremely hard and their teachers are delighted with all of the work that is being completed each day. WELL DONE BOYS AND GIRLS! We are very proud of you!
Our teachers have been working long hours both in school and at home, setting work each day and preparing workpacks for the children. THANK YOU to all our staff for what they are providing on an educational and pastoral level for our children.
I’m sure you will agree it has been a difficult and stressful few weeks and we are mindful that the health and wellbeing of our pupils is paramount.
This week is ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ and we have decided that Friday 5th February will be a ‘Wellbeing Day’ for all the pupils. The teachers will not set any work to be completed on Friday. They may suggest some other activities for you to do as a family eg go out for a walk, play a game together etc. The children are also encouraged to ‘express themselves’ during the week and to talk about how they feel.
We trust you will be able to take this opportunity on Friday to relax together as a family.
Yours sincerely
T Shields
DTO Shields