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Nursery 3 Mrs Bartholomew

We celebrated the Queen's 90th birthday in Nursery!

Our Teddy Bears come to Nursery!

Growing Cress Heads!

We have been learning about Spring time; the season of growth and new life! We decided that we would like to plant cress seeds, look after them and watch them grow. We talked about the important living conditions that plants need to help them grow before we planted our seeds. We then decorated our own plant pot with stickers and our photograph... We were all so excited to watch our cress seeds grow and see whose hair (plants) grew the tallest! We also looked after our plants by making sure they got plenty of sunlight in the window sill and enough water each day. We are looking forward to bringing our cress heads home now!
We are enjoying exploring our new topic of the Farm!
We are enjoying learning about Spring time in Nursery! We have been very busy painting, drawing and making some beautiful spring flowers. We have also been admiring the pretty flowers in our Nursery garden and learning how we can look after them!


We all enjoyed making pancakes on Pancake Tuesday!! 


As well as using the iPads in Nursery, we enjoy using the interactive board in the hallway.  We have had good fun playing Tizzy's Toybox to help us understand mathematical words, develop and extend our counting skills, complete jigsaws, use and understand positional words, and also help us to take turns!
We have been learning to recognise and name various garden birds... Robins, blue tits, blackbirds, magpies, seagulls, crows, starlings, sparrows! We hope to see some of these birds in our nursery playground when we go bird watching! We have even been making and decorating our own binoculars to use to help us spot some of these birds!
This month we are exploring the topic of Birds! We are enjoying learning more about birds through our play, community times and a visit from the RSPB! We have been very busy painting and drawing garden birds, making bird models and painting with feathers!
Our Christmas trip was to Craigavon Omniplex to see 'The Good Dinosaur'.  We were all very excited getting the bus to the cinema and we all really enjoyed watching the movie with some yummy snacks to keep us going! Have a look at some of the photos from our bus journey...

Enjoying our delicious Christmas dinner!

We had lots of fun decorating our Christmas tree in Nursery 3! We each chose a coloured bauble or decoration and hung them on the tree. Emily then put the star on top! We have enjoyed talking about our own Christmas trees at home during Community Time.
Have a look at some of the fun art activities we have been taking part in during the month of December!

Art Day!