Welcome to King's Park Nursery
Please click below to view our virtual open day of our Nursery and Primary school.
The on-line portal is now open and ready for parents to make Pre-School and/or Primary 1 applications.
Please find a few links below to help advise you on this procedure and help you with the dates and times.
If you require help or wish to view videos on the process
Dates to remember
King's Park Nursery
Here in King's Park we have a fabulous purpose built Nursery building with three full time classes. We have an extensive outdoor area and access to the school's MUGA pitch. We are timetabled to use this facility at a Nursery specific time ensuring that the Nursery children's physical needs are developed and nurtured from a very young age.
Transition from Home to Nursery
We have strong links with our Nursery parents here in King's Park. We have a Transition from Home to Nursery Policy and develop strong and positive relationships with all parents and children. Your child's transition into Nursery is eased through the use of Dojo, the school website, daily interactions with parents and a range of correspondence with parents. Parental views are sought before children are admitted in September and information is used to help to ensure a smooth and positive transition into King's Park Nursery.
The Importance of Play.
Playing is your child’s right wherever they are- at home , in childcare and at school. Every child has the right to play as recognised in the United Nation’s Convention on the rights of the child. During the Nursery day we provide them with a wide range of Educationally motivating and challenging play activities indoors and outdoors. We also provide our parents with ideas on how to help their child learn at home and these ideas are very much centred around play.
E. Quinn (Nursery Co-ordinator)
Our Yearly Overview
In Nursery we cover a variety of topics throughout the year. The Nursery pupils learn about and explore these topics through their play; both indoors and outdoors, through Community Time learning and from educational visits and visitors. These topics are exciting and relevant to the Nursery pupils' interests and needs.
From September - December we explore the following topics:
-Settling In and All About Me
-Autumn and Food
-Wild Animals
From January - April our topics include:
-People Who Help Us
-Farm Animals
From May - June our topics include:
-Teddy Bears
-Seaside and Holidays
-Transition to Primay 1
Getting Ready to Learn
The Getting Ready to Learn (GRtL) programme seeks to support preschool education settings to encourage and develop parental involvement in children's early learning to ensure maximum parental contribution at a crucial time in children's early brain development. We are very thankful to be a part of this brilliant programme and because of it we are able to share important information with parents about their child’s development, as well as provide a range of lending facilities to support our Nursery children’s development.
Getting Ready to Learn focuses on raising parent's awareness of how they can support children's learning at home through-out the pre-school year around four key themes: