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As well as helping each child continue to settle in to Nursery and learn the Nursery routines and rules, we will be exploring the new topics of Autumn and harvest time throughout this new month of October.

We will learn about these topics through our community time learning, through our play, both indoors and outdoors and from a visit from Jen and Jo Jingles! We would also encourage you to enjoy Autumn walks with your family, encouraging your child to look for and collect some signs of Autumn, such as Autumnal leaves, acorns, cones, conkers! Maybe you will even spot a squirrel or hedgehog!

Throughout this month we will also be encouraging the children to try and put on and take off their own coats each day to develop their independence, as well as take part in activities to help develop their fine motor skills!
Our focus shape this month is rectangle, and our focus colour is orange
