Dear Parent,
We have been working hard to try to provide for the children in the incoming weeks and with so most uncertainty you can appreciate that this has not been easy. Each Monday our aim is to give suggested guidelines for work to be completed that week on this P1 Class Page in the Home Learning folder. We have also sent home folders full of activities and work. Please do not be overwhelmed by this as we are planning for the worst case scenario and making sure that the children take home all that they will need for the coming months.
We have just set up the 'Class Dojo' app that we will also use for communication purposes with yourselves. We will also hopefully use it to send photos of reading books to you weekly. If you haven't already signed up to the Class Dojo, please check your emails (it has been sent to the first person on our contact form; please check your junk folder too). If there is anyone who has not received the email for the Dojo, please send us a message below with your email address and we can resend it.
As teachers we are all saddened by the possibility that your child's time with us in Primary 1 may be drastically reduced, but be reassured that we will be available for any queries or questions you may have via the Class Dojo or the contact form that is below on our class page. Please also be mindful that we may not be in a position to reply immediately.
In Primary 1 a large part of our learning is practical based and so we have tried to make suggestions as to how you can provide some practical activities for your child, to consolidate and progress their learning. There is a wealth of ideas online- websites and apps (see guidance notes.) This month ‘Twinkl’ website are offering free subscription. There are thousands of resources and ideas for all areas of the Curriculum.
The work that we have set is not to be done all at once, and indeed many of the activities can be carried out daily. With the written work try to promote as much independence and care as possible (we know as parents how hard this can be!).
Please do not worry if your child finds any of this difficult. In a class situation we would be assessing this, and adjusting the work accordingly and giving individual help and support. Please note that for Literacy the classes have been divided into two groups A and B.
In this current situation, we are all as teachers and parents doing the best we can to keep the children’s learning progressive and fun. We would suggest setting short amounts of time throughout the day aside for this learning. Play in these Early Years is a crucial part of your child’s learning; so please allow time for role play, cutting and sticking/craft, puzzles, dough, construction etc as much as possible. Being outdoors and engaging in physical activity is so important too. You may even want to take part in the Joe Wicks PE sessions every morning at 9am on You Tube, to start the day of with lots of energy and fun!
Stay safe everyone and thanks for your support,
The P1 Teachers