Robins and Kingfishers’ Planner: Spring half term week three Remember to keep on top of your spellings and your spellings activity during the week. This week is LIST 21 |
Monday |
Reading and Activities: King of the Birds
Complete activities A and B These links might help with section B
Tuesday |
Spelling: The focus is still on magic e. Say the words in A as they are, and then say them again with magic e on the end. Talk about how magic e changes the vowel sound. This Nessy Phonics clip explains it well: Complete activities A, B and C |
Wednesday |
Grammar: Today’s work continues with the focus on nouns. This is last week’s teaching video about nouns:
Complete activities A B and C. Send your own list of nouns to your teacher.
Thursday |
Writing Activity p 56 Write 2 sentences about each picture using the words to help you. Think about how to write your sentences, will they be in the first person (are you writing about yourself), or the third person (are you writing it about someone else)? Watch this clip to help you
Friday |
Language activities p 57. Find the odd one out activity. Choose the missing word activity. The first letter of each word from the word bank is there to help you. |