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Look at our clay hedgehogs. They are so prickly.

We used oil pastels to draw some vegetables!

This week we have been learning about the number 3. We have also been looking at, sorting and tasting some lovely fruit. Lots of boys and girls found new fruit that they enjoyed eating.

We had great fun eating our pack lunch and school dinners for the first time in P1. Can you spot our spotty and stripy patterned fish?

We enjoyed using playdough to make our name. There were lots of rolling and squeezing involved. We also using stampers to make different patterns in the paint, the shape of flip flops. Can you guess which number we were 'painting' on the fence?

Have a look at the Number Hunt fun we had today along with painting some boats.

We have been using our playdough to squeeze, pinch, roll and cut to make our hands and fingers stronger!

We have been learning about the number 1 and painting rainclouds with number 1 raindrops!
