To all of our Primary 3 children and parents,
We have been working hard to provide resources and online links for learning at home when school is closed. You will be provided with a planner with daily activities for Literacy and Numeracy.
There will be a link to the Topmarks website so you can access the Daily Ten mental maths activity. We will also provide links to websites that will allow you to explore the World Around Us in a fun way. We have also put a list of P.E. activities on our class page- pick one to do daily!
For those of you who have Lego, we have put up a Lego challenge.
We will be updating the Primary 3 page and will also send you your activities through Class Dojo.
If you need to ask us any questions, send a message through Class Dojo.
Most of all, try to follow our daily plan for your child’s learning. Please remind your child not to worry and to chat to someone they trust if they are feeling worried or confused.
We will keep in touch!
P3 Teachers