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E-Books at home!


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Other useful links are listed below!


         Oxford Owl for Home

    Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the U.S. grade system but it's mostly common material.
    BBC Learning
    This site is old and no longer updated and yet there's so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.
    Free to access 100s of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from age 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account).


  • National Geographic Kids


  • Crash Course Kids
    Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.
    Paw Print Badges
    Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.


  • Prodigy Maths


  • Blue Peter Badges


  • The Imagination Tree