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Wednesday 6th May


Spellings and number facts- Revise tonight for test tomorrow!


Grammar/Punctuation- Verbs- ing /ed. Today's worksheet will be sent through Class Dojo. Copy it into your workbook. Remember capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and your neatest writing!


Reading- please continue to read whether that is a book from your Library at home or from one of the online sites linked here-



Today we are looking at Vertical Addition- tens and units and extending to hundreds, tens and units.  Click the link below for adding games. Below is a reminder of how to complete Vertical Addition sums! 


Your worksheet will be sent through Class Dojo. 

Scroll down the page until you find this game...


Adding Tens and Units Vertically with no carrying

Still image for this video

Adding Hundreds, Tens and Units Vertically with no carrying

Still image for this video
Art- Remember your Art for Friday!