Group 3: Writing Task
Write a paragraph about the story setting/scenario - use the adjective bank to help you!
Scenario: A deathly cold wintery scene in the middle of the arctic, surrounding you are polar bears and icy puddles. Imagine your five senses, numb fingers in the cold, frost bite on your skin etc. Watch the video below to inspire your ideas of what an arctic environment might be like.
WILF: (What I am looking for)
- Describe what you see, hear, feel, touch, smell, taste.
- Use of adjectives and good description to develop a mental picture.
- Use of connectives to link your writing and allow it to flow.
Group 4: Writing Task
Use the picture stimulus to explain what is happening?
- Characters - a vampire and a bat in a creepy, barren castle. Look at the vampires fact as he watches the bat sleep? Look at his body language? What do you think could be the problem? Use the vocabulary in the document below to help you.
WILF (What I am looking for)
- Capital letters and full stops
- Use of adjectives
- Proof reading sentences