This week’s Maths is mostly based around the 4 rules of number. That means ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION.
Children by P7 should be able to do all 4 comfortably. This requires a sound knowledge of addition/ subtraction facts and multiplication tables, which we work on constantly.
It is absolutely vital that your child engages the work this week and is able to apply the 4 rules.
There are a number of teaching videos which go through each process, right from the very basics up to using the 4 rules with decimals.
If your child struggles with any of the basics, these videos will help explain / teach how to do the concept in the same way that we would do it in school . There are various ways to apply these 4 rules, but it is best that you do it the way we teach it in school. One example is the way that subtraction is done. Many parents in the past will have done a method called Equal Addition. We now do a method called Decomposition. So just be aware of this.