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World Around Us

The Water Cycle



Water is the most important liquid we know. It is everywhere we look. Water is in the ground and in the air that we breathe. All animals, plant and humans need water to survive. Water has formed our earth since its beginning. Water never disappears.

We use the same water over and over again.

How can that be? This week we are going to learn about this precious liquid called water.



Click on the links below to watch the videos about why water is so important to us and how we use water every day.






What is the Water Cycle?


Click on the links below to watch the videos about the Water Cycle see how the water on the earth moves in a continuous cycle.

You can complete the online activities below the video. 


  Listen and join in with the song about

The Water Cycle





What is the Water Cycle?


Watch the videos below to learn some more about the Water Cycle. Try to get all these new words into your head.

You can complete activities below the bbc video.


Now lets see what we can remember. When you have watched the video below click on the blue retangle that says 'test yourself' and see can you answer the questions


Listen and join in with the song about The Water Cycle




Water Pollution

Today we are going to have a look at what Water Pollution is and what causes it. Water Pollution can be devastating because it can kill fish,birds and plants that rely on the water. It's important that we look after our oceans,streams and lakes.

Song: Round and round and round goes the Water Cycle!






Water Conservation

Fortunately for us, when we want water,it is as simple as turning on a tap, and there it is, piped into our homes, clean and fresh and available whenever we need it. But that doesn’t mean that we should waste it.

The average person in the UK uses 150 litres each day.

 Click on the links below to watch the videos about how we can save water.



 Drawing the water cycle

For some Art work today we are going to draw the water cycle. Watch the videos below to help get some ideas.








