Wrens and Hummingbirds’ Planner Spring term three Remember to keep on top of your spellings and your spellings activity during the week. This week is LIST 21 |
Monday |
Read The Lighthouse. Complete activities A, B and C. You are working hard at your full sentence answers, well done!
Tuesday |
Watch this short clip about three letter consonant blends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I-WRmYWksk This week’s phonics are the letter blends scr and str (p54) Work on your spelling activity |
Wednesday |
Today’s grammar activities are all about nouns. Watch this teaching video first: This BBC Bitesize video is also about nouns: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zpd8ng8 Complete activities A and B, watch out, there are more than one noun in the sentences in A! |
Thursday |
Write the start of a story about a farm holiday using the words in the box to help you. Here is a lesson on writing using description https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znbx6v4
This video about being on a working farm might help with ideas: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zs97tfr
Friday |
Language Activity p. 57 Complete the words by filling in the missing letters, be careful with spellings! |