Week Nine - Evidence in History
As you progress through your school years you will discover that looking at sources of evidence has an important role in your studies and understanding of history. It is just like you recording facts, feelings and information that you are experiencing during the time of lockdown caused by coronavirus. In years to come this could be looked back on as actual evidence of events at the time they happened!
Activity Three
Using google can you find what used to be a historical workhouse building in Lurgan?
Population and emigration:During the Irish Famine (Great Famine) over one million people died not just from hunger but from disease. Others lost their homes as they could not afford the rent and their only choice was to seek refuge in the Workhouses. However, some who had enough money managed to escape Ireland and over a million emigrated to Britain or North America. Go through the ppt below and answer the questions in the linked activity.
Week Seven - Potato Famine
Activity one: Read through the ‘sources’ on first four pages in Famine Booklet. These ‘Sources’ tell us what real life people experienced at the time of The Famine. Complete the grid/table on page four. The first part on Landlords has been done as an example.
Remember the types of classes people were part of including:
Activity two: Complete the ‘cloze’ texts (four pages) starting from the right hand middle page.
Week Six - An Introduction to Irish History: The Potato Famine
Watch the link below to gain a better understanding: