Time keeping.
Term 2 will commence on Monday 6th January. All children and their parents are asked to be on time for nursery on a daily basis. It is really important that everyone adheres to this request as the Nursery year is crucial to your child’s future learning as they transition from Nursery into Primary 1. Nursery classes finish in the afternoon between 1.30pm and 1.50pm. All children should be collected promptly as staff are then engaged in staff meetings and planning meetings to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is planned for and indeed delivered. Staff’s time is precious and every minute counts for us to ensure we continue to provide the highest quality pre-school curriculum to everyone of our pupils.
Primary 1.
Parents are reminded to complete their child’s admission into primary 1 on line- further details have been sent home along with a letter from Mr Shields and a school prospectus. Should you have any queries please use telephone number and email addresses given. Or should you need to talk to myself on this matter please feel free to do so. Mrs Quinn.