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Mapwork booklet

Have a look at the birds-eye view plans through this link


Hopeville project 

Look at the map below of the imaginary village “Hopeville” below. Work through the challenge cards below.


PROJECT IDEA: Design your own map of an imaginary town, include a key with map symbols. 


You can access this map online with other teaching ideas here:








Access the ppt above to explore essential map skills: 

  • Complete Pg 2-3 
  •  Compass Directions – eight points of the compass
  • Scale and Legend: Island of Turrip- consider where the features would be best located; their size in comparison to one another and distance apart i.e. mountain areas; river source and flowing to the sea; airports and connections to cities.

Mapwork Week Three 


Make a country - following on from the last activity you can now construct your own country using your own legend and scale. Remember that there are familiar symbols used on maps to represent certain features as you will have seen in the previous PowerPoint. This should help you! Again consider where the features would be best located; their size in comparison to one another and distance apart i.e. mountain areas; river source and flowing to the sea; airports and connections to cities. Use Twinkl- geography - scale\maps as required. 



Reading maps - first activity: pay close attention to the legend and map feature layout to answer relevant questions. 


Week four: 27/04/2020

Mapwork: Reading Maps:

Activity one: Be familiar with the legend/key (symbols) on left hand side. Take time to find the various features. For example: where the road, lake and forest are located. Also think about ‘contours lines’ on a map. Closer together the lines are, the steeper the land. Click on the link below from BBC Bitesize. This will refer to a video and written explanation to help.

Activity two: Familiarity with symbols is again needed to help locate features and understand town layout. Be careful with how you read the questions! Think about traffic flow, number of shops, type of shops, etc.

Week Five - 04/05/2020


Mapwork - Blank Map Task:

Activity one: Important Features of the British Isles (using the online atlas link provided). Locate the features mentioned and mark them on the blank map as accurately as possible.

Activity two: Locate and draw the following features unto the blank map (back page):

  1. Capital cities of England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland and Republic of Ireland
  2. Lough Neagh
  3. River Mersey, River Tyne and River Shannon
  4. Isle of Wight
  5. Mourne Mountains
  6. Scottish Highland Mountains
  7. Glasgow, Galway, Londonderry, Manchester, Swansea
  8. Birmingham Airport 