Spellings and Numberfacts- your book is in the work pack sent home. Please learn today's spellings and numberfacts and ask an adult to test you to see if you remember them.
News- Please write at least three sentences about what you did at the weekend. If you feel like you didn't do very much over the weekend, you could write about something you did that was kind or helpful! *Extension- can you colour the nouns red and the adjectives yellow?*
A noun is a naming word (a person, place or thing).
An adjective is a describing word.
Reading- Your teacher will send your reading on Dojo.
Number Work
Practise counting forward and backwards to 30. Can you count in 2s? Have a go at the game below. Can you improve your speed?
Activity: Page 1- 4: Fill in the missing numbers on the tape measures.
*Challenge!!!* Can you do something to make your family smile every day this week?
Here are some ideas-
*help make lunch or dinner*
*set the table for dinner*
*tidy your bedroom!!*
*tell each person in your house something you think they are good at*
*draw a nice picture*
*read a story to someone in your house*