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Monday 18th January



Spellings and Numberfacts- Please learn today's spellings and numberfacts and ask an adult to test you to see if you remember them. 





News- Please write at least three sentences about what you did at the weekend. 

*Extension- can you colour the nouns red and the verbs blue?* 

A noun is a naming word (a person, place or thing).

A verb is a doing word.


Reading- Your teacher will send your reading on Dojo. 





Number Work


Click on the link below and play the Number Bonds Game:


Activity: Now complete the following page in your Maths book:


Section 2- Session 1




Messages of Hope

The theme this week is  ‘My hero’.

Can you choose someone in your family and/or community that you look up to and would consider to be a hero (not a celebrity/YouTube/movie star but a local hero) and make a card or create some artwork to give or send to that person.


A photo of the artwork should be sent to as usual. 









*Challenge!!!* Can you learn a new skill this week?

Here are some ideas- 

*learn to tie your shoelaces

*learn how to make a sandwich

*learn how to bake buns (with adult supervision)

*learn how to write in bubble writing



