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This month in Nursery we will be exploring the really exciting topic of 'Wild Animals'! We will learn about wild animals that live in the jungle and the zoo through our play, art activities, community time learning and also from our visit from Belfast Zoo.  Through our outdoor play, we will be continuing to develop the skills of pedalling, ascending the slide steps using alternate feet, as well as develop the skills of balance on the balance bike and put on our coats independently.  We are also looking forward to having a visit from Oxford Island staff who will help us revamp our minibeast hotel and create a new one!

Our focus shape this month is 'square', and our focus colour is 'brown' so please bring in an object for our shape and colour tables!

We are enjoying making pictures, paintings and paper plate jungle animals as part of our topic!

We all enjoyed a visit from Belfast Zoo staff and some of their smaller animals as part of our topic this month. We talked about some of the larger animals that live in Belfast Zoo, and then we got to learn about and handle some of the smaller animals. We enjoyed stroking and holding a very tickly giant African millipede, a very cute and small African pygmy hedgehog, a giant African snail with a slippery foot and a scaly bearded dragon! 

We all enjoyed a visit from staff from Oxford Island who took us on a minibeast hunt and helped us build a new minibeast hotel!

We all enjoyed a wonderful visit from Oxford Island staff. They first talked to us about the different minibeasts that live in our gardens and the importance of looking after them. We then built a new minibeast hotel using wooden pallets and tiles, before making special bedrooms for the minibeasts using plastic bottles, cardboard, sticks and straw. We hope that lots of minibeasts come and visit our minibeast hotel! We also went on an exciting minibeast hunt in our Nursery garden where we found woodlice, spiders, snails, worms, a millipede and a centipede!